To access the professional site for information about BETASERON® (interferon beta-1b) please confirm that you are a healthcare professional.
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Models used for illustrative purposes only.
BETASERON® (interferon beta-1b) is a prescription medicine used to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), to include clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease, in adults.
In patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS), BETASERON was PROVEN to:
In patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS), BETASERON was PROVEN to:
It's important to know the possible risks and benefits of BETASERON. Make sure you talk to your doctor to understand which possible side effects are more serious than others, as well as those that are more common.
BETASERON can cause serious side effects, including:
Liver Problems Including Liver Failure. Symptoms of liver problems may include yellowing of your eyes, itchy skin, feeling very tired, flu-like symptoms, nausea or vomiting, bruising easily or bleeding problems. Your healthcare provider will do blood tests to check for these problems while you take BETASERON.
Please see additional Important Safety Information below.Launch of the first MS patient
support program now known
formulation for BETASERON
BETASERON offers one of the
thinnest needles in relapsing
forms of MS (30-gauge)
BETASERON approved for
relapsing forms of MS to include
clinically isolated syndrome,
relapsing-remitting disease, and
active secondary progressive
disease, in adults
BETASERON, the first
disease-modifying therapy
approved to treat RRMS
BETAPLUS support offers
nurse support
BETASERON approved for
patients with clinically isolated
syndrome (CIS)
The first electronic
autoinjector for relapsing
forms of MS
Arrival of BETA track,
an injection tracker and
wellness app
BETASERON®, the first disease-modifying therapy approved to treat RRMS
Launch of the first MS patient support program now known as BETAPLUS
BETAPLUS support offers nurse support
Refrigeration-FREE formulation for BETASERON
BETASERON approved for patients with clinically isolated syndrome (CIS)
BETASERON offers one of the thinnest needles in relapsing forms of MS (30-gauge)
The first electronic
autoinjector for
relapsing forms of MS
BETASERON approved
for relapsing forms of MS
to include clinically
isolated syndrome,
relapsing-remitting disease,
and active secondary
progressive disease, in adults
Arrival of BETA track, an injection tracker and wellness app
With all this information right in your phone, you can then share with your healthcare provider.
with the BETA track app
your treatment and
wellness information with
your healthcare provider
via text or email
An MS-trained BETA Nurse is available to answer your questions about BETASERON.