Models used for illustrative purposes only.
BETASERON® (interferon beta-1b) is a prescription medicine used to treat relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS), to include
clinically isolated syndrome, relapsing-remitting disease, and active secondary progressive disease, in adults.

1. Prepare
Turn on BETACONNECT, ensure battery is charged, and insert prepared syringe

2. Choose site
It’s important to rotate injection sites each time you inject

3. Inject
Hold BETACONNECT against the skin and press and release the injection button
A Tool to Help You Track Your Treatment
Track your injections, daily wellness, and develop your discussion guide with the BETA track™ app
BETAPLUS®: With You Every Step of the Way
For BETA Nurse support, call 1-844-788-1470
Financial Support That Is on Your Side

$0 copay. Up to $14,500
in copay assistance each calendar year

12 months of BETASERON at no cost
if you experience insurance challenges

Assistance if you don’t have insurance
or are receiving coverage through Medicare Part D